
Luke, a Friend of Paul

I wrote this many moons ago, but I am reminded of it today as I begin my study of The Acts of the Apostles with BSF.

Last night was the Intro class. I haven't decided yet if I am fully committed to the study, but already I learned three things:

1. I can't ever run. Even when I'm trying to cover my running by going to a Bible study, God will follow and make sure I'm dealing with my emotions, my situations, my life, relationships and my attitude.

2. I must be who I am, who God created me to be. When I push against that is when I get all jacked up. To care more about others IS Christ-like. Lucky me that it comes so naturally. Embrace it. Live it. Don't let others sway me into thinking that I need to put myself first. It never works in my favor.

3. "Even our Lord Jesus Himself was anointed 'with the Holy Spirit and power' for the work He was obliged to finish (Acts 10:38)." Even Jesus Christ Superstar needed help. I can get the same help. I don't have to do it alone. When I am weak, He is strong.

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